
touch up on my heaven

Just finished doing some touch ups. The bear's lines are a bit darker, the Beatles faces are a little more distinctly Beatles and my legs are a little longer, can you tell?


We're gonna do it with this one too..

Again, the beginning is a sketch, me crowd surfing on bears at a Beatles concert :

the sketch
 next i filled in some basic colors, just to get an feeling going. i also outlined some characters
 i ended up using the sketchy outlines for the bears, i think it balances well with the "photoshopped" look. Also Beatles got some hair and skin color.
 Lastly i changed the levels so the bear outline shows up better, and i colored in some other elements. i ended up leaving the stage as is from the sketch, because a friend of mine really thought it worked well. we'll have to see what my teacher thinks tomorrow.

A Process

step 1:
Sketch the image, here is me hanging out with the Beatles, beautiful n'est pas?

I'll upload the next step as I get on with it

Color Fixing

Here's that same piece I posted last week, but with a few changes to the tone and colors, just to bring the whole piece more feeling. See if you can tell the difference : 

Old Piece
New Piece with color changes


Alejandro Jodorowsky stories

Class assignment: pick a short story by Alejandro Jodorowsky, a very imaginative man, and reinterpret and illustrate it. I picked a story called "Wedding Night" basically about a man and a women who get into bed and take off their wigs, glass eyes, fake ears, one arm and leg each, and in pieces they fall in to bed but feel as if they are one because of their great love. That's just me paraphrasing, but I came up with this image as a reinterpretation of that story:

this is done in watercolor

Words On Wheels Poster

Baltimore Metro, Baltimore City Schools and MICA have a project they do every year where Baltimore City students, in elementary and middle school, write poems that are illustrated by MICA students and then winning images are chosen and put into Baltimore city buses!
I'm working on this project in my Illustration class this week with Whitney Sherman.
I have a poem called School Lunch, so I went to the store and bought a bunch of condiments, ketchup, mustard, mayonnaise, relish, jam, and even tater tots and chips, and wrote the entire poem using realy elements and then photographing them.
My finished poster

I had to write the poem on my friend's roof in ketchup