

hey erebody,

I am going to move my blog over to tumblr... it may take a bit to transfer all of this work.... so ill pop back in and tell you the address once more it settled... LOVE YOU!

experimenting with things

Dumping some stuff on here.... These are really quick drawings I do in a live model class I go to.. I am constantly trying to loosen up so most of these are 1 to 5 mins and mostly I draw with my non-given hand, some of these are even drawn with sticks!
some hot mommi's, drawn with my left hand

more left hand mommi's

this girl was buff! quick 1 min sketch
this was funny, the blue pen is with my left hand while i simultaneously drew with my right!

some feet for ya

quick blind partial blind sketch/aka i looked a the paper maybe twice

really quick "mood" sketches, so much fun to draw this guy

more "mood" capturing


David Bearie!

Hey guys! I made a scroll! what  kind of scroll you ask? well, a scroll that tells a story, and the story i wanted to tell today is the not so well known tale about David Bowie and his alternate life growing up in Bear universe. Yes, little did you know, he was actually raised by bears, became a world famous popstar, and then left this earthly world to go back to wherever he came from with his lovely wife Iman. 
So , here is the scroll, presented in all its scroll glory, scrolling by. The medium is ink and the scroll is about 40 feet long. Enjoy! 
Singular images to come later.