
More Life drawing

Worked on a 5 part piece in ink washes. I don't think it turned out splendidly but i did learn a thing or two, here is one out of the five.

Environment and prop concepts for Beatles Mob!

1) Weapon-instruments and the "hit-man" hand, who is a hit-man character that appears and knocks people off.
2)The head honcho's desk, with convenient scurrying legs
3)Tuba used for the Hit-man hand
4)Main office
5)The Yellow chair and a plant prop

Illustration work

Piece based on the "skin-walker" a northwest scary legend.

Igor! Matthew's cat as a lil' monster!

life drawing? what?

Yes I have been taking a life drawing class this semester, Surprise! I haven't posted any work because I haven't had time to photograph the pieces but guess what? I DID IT! so here they are.

Self portrait piece in Vine charcoal done by looking down at myself

My skull! larger than life size in vine charcoal

Self portrait

Face Self portrait, larger than life, vine charcoal